Saturday, January 21, 2012

A year and a half later...

Time flies when you have a busy one year old. It flies even faster when they turn 2! All the sudden those slightly annoying comments once made by well meaning people at church about how I'll wish he never started crawling/walking/talking are becoming a little less obnoxious to me and contain a ring of truth. However, I am very happy to say that, while I must admit to occasional frustration with these milestones, I absolutely love being able to take walks with my boy and, more than anything else, I love to hear his sweet little voice chatter away at me. He's always been a pretty quiet kid and it wasn't until he was about 22 mo that we started to wonder if he struggled more than he should with words.

Thankfully the wonderful state of Arizona will send a speech therapist to your house to do a free comprehensive testing of your child's learning capabilities. We were blessed to have a wonderful Christian gal come out and put my fears to rest. She was very encouraging and let me know that Luke was a little behind his contemporaries but not by much. So with that relieving piece of information we just watched and waited for the inevitable barrage of words that was sure to come.

Now at 28 mo, we're really are hearing a plethora of words and sentences even. He repeats everything until we acknowledge what he's trying to tell us. This can be a challenge since he still is very "dutchy." My favorite thing that Luke says and that I will miss terribly when he grows out of is his version of "Thank You." which is  "Manoose!" Who knows how he came to the conclusion that those two sounded similar but as "th"s are pretty challenging for a 2 year old and the simple fact that he's so stinkin' cute, I don't have the heart to correct him just yet.

We look forward to what 2012 will bring. More time with our Luke, strengthened friendships, new ministry opportunities, and hopefully, Lord willing, the growth of our little family. We wish you the very best this coming year and hope that it is full of the richest blessings!

All Our Love,
The Withems

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