Sunday, February 21, 2010

KB the Baby

"Life with a Kidney Bean?" you may ask. Yes! The Kidney Bean or "KB" for short is our 6 month old son Luke. I was one of the thousands of preggos who joined to track the developement of our baby in utero. During the first trimester, I was driving with my dad across town to pick up a surprise birthday gift for my hubby Michael and remarked "It's amazing something the size of a kidney bean could make me feel so nauseated!" From that moment on, my dad decided to call Luke, KB the Baby. We hadn't picked out a name yet and it was nice to call the unknown gendered baby something besides "it" and "he or she."

Fast forward 6 months and you'll see that we've adapted well to having a fifth member of our immediate family. (The third and fourth members being our cat Obiwan and Aussie, Chloe) He's a happy, mellow boy and the delight of our lives. No longer do we require any outside entertainment because we have Luke! My parents are especially involved in his life because they only live a few miles away and all the other grandkids live out of state. That's certainly not to say that Michael's parents are slacking in the spoiling department. They are just about as crazy for Luke as my folks are.

Michael and I are both self-employed. I'm an LMT and Michael owns Fusion Web Technologies working to design websites for small businesses and PC repair. On the side we lead a kid's worship band for the 1st-6th graders at our church. Our goal: To teach the kids to love the old hymns and worship songs that we've spiced up(if you know that age group at all, you'd know that the original version of "The Old Rugged Cross" would keep their attention for a grand total of 2 seconds). Besides that we enjoy playing board games with friends, walking around the beautiful outdoor malls here in the valley, and have our dates walking around HomeDepot or Lowes following dinner our favorite chinese food place.

So that's us in a nutshell! My goal for this blog is to keep up to speed with Luke's milestones and to trade decorating/ craft ideas with other gals who are on a budget like me! My favorite new website is Lots of cute ideas from other moms with similar times and monetary restraints plus, they usually include links to their own blogs which opens up a slew of fun sites and ideas to pursue! As much as I would love to drone on and on, Luke is ready to get some lovin' and teething tablets. So "ta-ta for now" as my grandmother would say in an effort not to say something as final as "goodbye." Until we blog again!